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Welcome to The Storyteller Project, a collection of life’s fragile moments, threading our lives together and paving a much needed path to mental clarity and healing for all.

The purpose is to document and highlight the fact that every person has a right to be heard and share their story while ultimately getting to a place of healing and happiness. 

With millions of people suffering from mental illness in its many forms each year, we need a better, fair way for people to get the support and help they require while knowing that they are in a safe place.

Our vision is to build a mental health ecosystem and story-sharing platform where people can feel accepted and embraced no matter what their story is in order to begin a path of inner happiness and healing.

It’s our belief that much of that inner happiness and healing can come from the awareness that we all share a common thread, a lived experience that others can glean from and learn from as we begin to better understand our oneness.

Although these letters and essays here in this collection may not be written directly to you in their original form, we challenge readers and listeners (you) to frame them as though you are the recipient. 

The insights shared are universal. 

They do not discriminate. 

Not everything in every letter or essay will be able to be directly applied to your life, but there will be pieces in every writing that can be.

Our aim is that this diverse collection of letters can be dissected, fact-checked, emulated, and applied to our lives to find what our own true happiness and path in life may look like. We think that upon reading the collection, you will realize that happiness is something we all are pursuing.

Together we can shift the conversation surrounding mental illness towards one of compassion and grace which ultimately leads to support and better quality of life.


Be part of a community of people who are changing the narrative surrounding mental illness for the better.

To find out more about the startup that provides the storyline for this publication, visit OUR WEBSITE.

Subscribe to Storyteller Project

A collection of life’s fragile moments, threading our lives together and paving a much needed path to mental clarity and healing for all.


Husband | Father | Storyteller