What's Your Story?
What's Your Story?
story #42 - no hands required

story #42 - no hands required

Sometimes, abuse is silent. Sometimes, it comes packaged in a pretty face and seemingly romantic gestures. Sometimes, it presents itself as a winding ride that makes the victim second guess if they are truly being mistreated, or if it’s all in their head.

Abuse can take on so many different forms, but it is always very, very lonely as this week’s storyteller, Natasha Dumelie, will tell you.

Watch the video version of Natasha’s story on YouTube.

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What's Your Story?
What's Your Story?
We all have secrets, struggles, and moments of unbelievable joy. What are the stories that shape us? Find out on 'What's Your Story?' – where shared lived experiences unfold.
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J.D. Murgolo